Ruth Kennedy Library User Agreements 2024-2025
Ruth Kennedy Library Student User Agreement (For all students grades seven to twelve.)
Study Room 9-12 Student User Agreement
Ruth Kennedy Study Room FXD7 and FXD8 Student User Agreement
The Wall Street Journal
Contact the library at if you are asked to enter a username and password for this resource.
Salem Press eBook Titles
Full text eBooks from Salem Press and Greyhouse Publishing. You will be directed to this site when you are logged into your xbhs account.
Ruth Kennedy Library
Please check with librarians for closing times on half days and other days when special events are scheduled in the afternoon.
Study Room Sign Out Policy and Procedure
Students can sign in to the Study Rooms in the library by following this set of procedures.
1. You must sign up in person. Email requests will not be honored. How early can you sign in for each period of the day? This document details earliest sign in times.
2. Reservations can be made in person one period in advance if at least one group member is available to come to the library and sign out the room.
3. Each student must write his own name on the sign out sheet. NEVER cross out names when leaving or when deciding not to keep the reservation. Put parentheses around your name instead.
4. Upon leaving the room, nothing should be on the floor, chairs must be pushed in and the lights must be turned off.